
招生政策 2024-05-09 573




1. 本系统仅向报考2024年6月上海高考外语科目考试并通过资格审核的考生开放。

2. 本系统将于考前阶段性开放,为保证网站运行速度,选考英语科目的考生请务必按照如下表所示的时间安排选择合适的时间使用本模拟系统,其他语种考生使用时间不限。

3. 本系统将根据英语考生作答给出等第(其他语种考生不给出等第)。该等第仅供参与本次模拟测试的考生参考,与正式考试结果无关。

4. 本系统共提供英语模拟测试卷5套,日语模拟测试卷5套,德语模拟测试卷3套,西班牙语模拟测试卷3套,法语模拟测试卷3套,俄语模拟测试卷2套,相应语种考生在每套试卷中均有三次作答机会。

5. 系统登录方法:用户名为2024年高考报名号(该报名号是以24310开头的14位高考报名号),可在高考报名登记表中查看,如忘记报名号,应届毕业生找学校老师查询,往届毕业生找各区考试招生机构查询;初始密码为2024年高考报名系统登录密码,考生也可利用高考报名号和高考报名系统预留的手机号找回密码。

6. 技术支持QQ:2679852713






I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.


A. She’s too sick to have any visitor.

B. Her sister’s flight was canceled.

C. Her sister has changed her plans.

D. She picked up her sister last night.


A. The library closes at five o’clock.

B. She’ll get the things the man needs.

C. Mary wants to go to the classroom too.

D. There isn’t enough time to go to the classroom.


A. Take less medicine each day.

B. Visit him as often as possible.

C. Have more stretching exercises.

D. Try a new kind of headache medicine.


A. The next bus leaves in 15 minutes.

B. The man can go to the exhibition by bus.

C. The man missed the subway train to the exhibition.

D. The subway will arrive at the exhibition before 11:30.


A. The cellphone cannot be repaired.

B. The woman misunderstood what he said.

C. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with the cellphone.

D. The problem is different from what he thought it was.


A. She wished she had gone to sleep earlier.

B. She missed the beginning of the program.

C. She fell asleep before the program ended.

D. She was awakened in time to see the program.


A. More copies of the letter are needed.

B. It’s too late to apply for the university.

C. The man should get a more recent reference letter.

D. The principal is the best person to write the letter of reference.


A. He wants to talk to Sally and Mark.

B. The woman should not let out others’ secret.

C. He will explain to the woman what happened.

D. The woman shouldn’t get involved in the situation.


A. He wants the woman to postpone the lecture.

B. He hasn’t finished preparing for his lecture.

C. He can’t explain the simple concepts of economics.

D. He regularly gives lectures to high school students.


A. Hire a tutor before the mid-term exam.

B. Avoid making any mistake in the exam.

C. Turning to the same tutor that she had.

D. Work hard to catch up with others.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


A. Most cs were not wide enough for the boats.

B. Other means of transportation became accessible.

C. The boats were no longer considered fashionable.

D. They learned the boats were bad for the environment.


A. Some people get frustrated with their speed.

B. They are mainly used for transportation.

C. People can have easy access to them.

D. A license is needed to operate them.


A. The changing role of narrow boats.

B. The uniqueness of the design of narrow boats.

C. The importance of narrow boats in the 18th century.

D. The reason why British people say hello to strangers.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.


A. To get new design ideas.

B. To make furniture used in space.

C. To take part in scientific training.

D. To create an environment similar to Mars.


A. It is operated by NASA.

B. It offers people a taste of isolated life on Mars.

C. It is used to train people for an educational purpose.

D. It helps people to get used to living with limited resources.


A. How to store things.

B. How to think creatively.

C. How to live in space.

D. How to cut down the cost.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.


A. Profession.

B. Manners.

C. News reports.

D. Psychology tests.


A. By travelling worldwide.

B. By testing the door holder.

C. By dropping a pile of papers.

D. By putting cups of coffee on a tray.


A. 35.

B. 55.

C. 70.

D. 90.


A. She impressed the reporter with what she held in her hands.

B. She helped the reporter even though her hands were full.

C. She was looking for what she could do for others.

D. She told the reporter a warm enough story.




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